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PROGRAMA 1º concierto virtual
1. Boffons- Jacob Van Eyck (1589-1657)
2. Recercata quarta- Giovanni Bassano (c.1558-1617)
3. Suite III -Louis-Antoine Dornel (ca. 1685- 1765)
Prelude, Gay,La gratieuse,Le Ville Flix (Rondeau- Gavotte),
La Caron (Sarabande), La Chauvigny (Gigue)
4. Fantasía 1, - G. Ph. Telemann (1681- 1767)
Vivace y Allegro
5. Sonata V - Diogenio Bigaglia (c.1676 – c.1745)
Cantabile, Allegro, Siciliana, Presto
6. Partita BWV 1013- J.S.Bach (1685-1750)
7. Suite Virtuosa- Hans Ulrich Staeps (1909–1988)
IV. Presto possibile
8. The bird and the donkey- Pete Rose (1942-2018)
I. The Bird
II.The Donkey
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